25 Morning Affirmations For High Self-Esteem!

Motivational Quotes For High Self-Esteem

Here are your morning affirmations for high self-esteem. This mindset session is filled with 25 positive affirmations for personal power, confidence and empathy! Stay with me until affirmation #1…it’s one of my personal favorites.

Ready? Let’s go!

Life is an adventure in forgiveness. Norman Cousins

That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful. Ninon de L’Enclos

There is something in the pang of change more than the heart can bear. Unhappiness remembering unhappiness. Euripedes

Assume that you don’t know what the future is going to hold. Ray Dalio

The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall. Emerson

No matter what we want of life we have to give up something in order to get it. Raymond Holliwell

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? Dr. Robert Schuller

The secret of being boring is to say everything. Voltaire

Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown. George Shinn

Every English poet should master the rules of grammar before he attempts to bend or break them. Robert Graves

Pride is a powerful narcotic, but it doesn’t do much for the immune system. Stuart Stevens

Anger and jealousy can no more bear to lose sight of their objects than love. George Eliot

Respect for the truth comes close to being the bases for all morality.
Frank Hebert

The short words are best, adn the old words are the best of all.
Winston Churchill

A neurosis is a secret that you don’t know you are keeping. Kenneth Tynan

Knowledge is the consequences of time and multitude of days are fittest to teach wisdom. Jeremy Collier

NEW! 26 Positive Affirmations for Forgiveness (More Understanding, Happiness & Reconciliation!)

On the inside, everyone wants to dance. Toby Mac

Every time you are not practicing someone else is. Boris Becker

Effectively, change is almost impossible without collaboration, cooperation and consensus. Simon Mainwaring

This is the way of peace; overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love. Peace Pilgrim

It is useless to send armies against ideas. George Brandes

All men are born with a nose and ten fingers, but no one was born with a knowledge of God. Voltaire

There is nothing the body suffers which the soul may not profit by. George Meredith

The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone. Goethe

You must have love as the core. It takes courage to be willing to constantly tell the truth to each other. K. Loggins

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