What are the best asmr quotes? Here is your private mindset session to initiate a mild trance, relax, and rejuvenate through asmr!
These historic quotes are 18 of the best personal affirmations to silence the voices in your subconscious, refocus, reframe and wind down your day!
Breathe deeply and stay until quote number 1…it’s one of my personal favorites. Ready? Let’s go!
If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you. I came to live out loud. Emile Zola
The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong. Carl Jung
We each have a personal myth, a vision of who we really are and what we want. Health means that part of what you want is to give to others. George Weinberg
I love arguement. I love debate. I don’t expect anyone just to sit there and agree with me, that’s not their job. Margaret Thatcher
Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. Thomas Jefferson
I just like movies that somehow expose the world in a way that’s different than you imagine it. Alex Winter
The problem with beauty is that it’s like being born rich and getting poorer. Joan Collins
If youth knew, if age could. Sigmund Freud

It’s just a part of our nature to hope. Elizabeth Edwards
Nothing surpasses the beauty and elegance of a bad idea. Craig Bruce
Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war. John Adams
To understand is to forgive, even oneself. Alexander Chase
The more we elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate. J B Priestly
To find a fault is easy to do, better may be difficult. Clive
When you can’t have what you want, it’s time to start wanting what you have. Kathleen A. Sutton
Peace of mind comes from not wanting to change others. Gerald Jampolsky
To disagree with three-fourths of the public is one of the first requisites of sanity. Ocar Wilde
Depth of friendship does not depend on length of acquaintance. Rabindranath Tagore