How does ASMR for calm work? Here is your private mindset session to neutralize anxiety, promote calm and enhance concentration!
These famous quotes are 18 of the best personal affirmations for slowing the pace of life, reducing stress and promoting a sense of calm.
Breathe deeply and stay until quote number 1…it’s one of my personal favorites. Ready? Let’s go!
The deferring of anger is the best antidote to anger. Seneca
The goal in life is living in agreement with nature. Zeno
In every adversity there lies the seed of an equivalent advantage. In every defeat is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time. Robert Collier
Before you contradict an old man my friend, you should endeavor to understand him. George Santayana
I see God in every human being. Mother Theresa
Peace if possible, truth as all costs. Martin Luther
There is nothing worse than falling prey to someone else’s confusion. Valerie Natress
In seeking wisdom thou art wise, in imagining that thou hast attained it, thou art a fool. Lord Chesterfield
Yes, you must have the courage of being free. Jose Carreras
A misery is not to be measured from the nature of the evil, but from the temper of the sufferer. Joseph Addison
The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes. Sir Winston Churchill
If you don’t learn to laugh at trouble, you won’t have anything to laugh at when you’re old. Edgar Watson Howe

The impersonal hand of government can never replace the helping hand of a neighbor. Hubert H Humphrey
It is impossible to go through life without trust, that is to be imprisoned in the worst cell of all, oneself. Graham Greene
The longest journey is the journey inward. Dag Hammarskjold
Life being what it is, one dreams of revenge. Paul Gauguin
If you would not step into the harlot’s house, do not go by the harlot’s door. Thomas Seeker
If you hang out with barbers, eventually you get a haircut. Ozzy Osbourne